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Thursday, December 27, 2018

Balance and 3 Simple Steps to Relieve Stress

Hey everybody. It has been a bit of time since the last post. Why?
It's amazing how life and responsibilities dictates how you use your time and what you can and can't do. Job, moving, family / friends, home life, children and social life is all a juggling act with it's ups and downs. How do you achieve balance and is there a way you can relieve stress and achieve calm amidst the chaos.

Lets tackle Balance first -

Be Healthy:
Makes sure you are taking care of yourself.  Are you eating right and getting enough sleep. We tend to run ourselves down thinking we will have time recover on the back end. Recovery might be more than you think.You can't do much if you are sick. Be proactive.

What is most important to you? Family, friends, relationships, and time to yourself. You usually can't have it all in the same day. Have a plan for what you need to do and what you want to do. Find a way to balance your day. There is only 24 hours in a day and you need to rest and eat so take that into account; remember our tip above..

Secret tip #1 - Know who your real family and friends are. Some people are honest and are truly there for you because they care about you but some aren't which leads another secret tip.

Secret tip #2 - Stay away from negativity. The drain. You know what that means.  If  some friends / family are constantly bringing you down; is it always about themselves? Do they listen to you at all and offer nothing positive in return, not even a positive comment or thought for you.  It might be time to distance yourself.

3 Simple Steps to Relieve Stress


What are the things that drive you crazy? That person at work? The job itself? Not having enough money? Living accommodations, or relationship? Is it working? Is it worth it? What is your worse case scenario? Be real. We all know what is bothering us. Denial is your worst enemy.

So if the worst case were to happen what you you do to circumvent or avoid it. Do you need a second job or find a job that pays more? What happens when you run into that person at work? What are you going to do? Can you fix the living situation or do you really need to think about moving? Is the relationship worth it? Did you really reflect on this? Is it all them or is some of it you? Do you need to change, maybe some counseling. Do it. If you have to be someone you are not, if your significant other is not understanding or caring who you are, move on. Life is too short.

Be Proactive:
Once you understand the problem and have a plan, do it. Put it in motion. Don't wait. You will be surprised to see the anxiety and stress go away because you have anticipated and planned for it. Positivity and happiness will soon follow through for you.

2 links to check out:
More balance life tips.
Japanese stress relief techniques.

Hope this gets you into the New Year a bit more optimistic.

Coming soon. Our usual: Free Stuff for the Holidays.

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