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Saturday, October 15, 2022

Creativity: Your Purpose Promotes the Process. 5 Tips for Content Creators, Fiction & Nonfiction Writers.


Are you a creative person will lots of ideas?  Do you consider yourself a content creator? That’s great. We need more creative idea’s and problem solvers. In fact, the reasons why you create often promotes the process you will take. Let’s see how.


Identify your passion or niche

If you found a way to do something faster, better, automated something mundane or added panache to something, it sounds like you have an idea for an app, product or service, but in what area? Is it art or craft related, food based, technical or computer related, car/ auto repair or modification related? Get specific and identify exactly what it is.


What if you are a creative writer and storyteller?  You tend to write stories that show character interaction and growth. You may want to show a specific point of view. Theme is of essential importance. What is the take away or lesson learned from the story. The storytelling medium can be broken down into the various formats: book, play, comics /graphic novels, video games, TV shows and movies. Which one of these other formats work better? Investigate and do the research. Decide if your idea is entertainment worthy.

Get specific

Try not to be too broad and too generic. You and your audience may quickly loose interest or get easily distracted. Get granular and specific. It gives you focus. Lock down your niche, and do the research to see if the idea is truly viable. See what is happening with the general interest in that area or identify an area that may need more focus. Create your new audience!


Give it a new twist

Don’t let genre hold you back. Instead let it liberate you. A successful piece of entertainment is not the end all be all for that genre. Perhaps you have a new twist on an old idea. We have Star Wars and Star Trek, Lord of the Rings and Game of Thrones, James Bond and Mission Impossible, Dawn of the Dead and iZombie. Genre modification/mashup for entertainment can mean big rewards if done right. Products and service as well can be altered to create a new audience.

Sources of inspiration is where your audience is

Inspiration should get you motivated and your sources serve a dual purpose. Not only will it help give you a framework to springboard from, it should also point you to toward your target audience. Where you do research is where your demographic will also be residing. Check out chats on forums and groups like Facebook, LinkedIn, Reddit, Twitter, Quora and other social media sites. Check out sites that deal directly with your topic idea. Do a Google search on your category and see what sites pops up. Use Amazon to research popular categories for product, devices and apps. Kickstarter is a treasure trove of great ideas that might be the next big thing as well. Let's not forget Pinterest, Instagram and Tumblr for image inspiration, and Soundcloud for audio inspiration.


The Recap

Your passion is something your target audience craves. It should also be your driving force to take you to completion. Remember to:


- Identify your niche.

- Narrow down the idea to something specific.

- Determine if the idea is entertainment, product or service.

- What is your angle or new twist to the idea?

- Get inspirational sources and note what your target audience interest are.

Click here for 11 Free Productivity Mind Hacks.

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You may also like these links as well:

Secrets to Overcoming Writer's Block

Top Ten Tips When Writing for the Entertainment Medium

Types of Story and Why it Matters

Character Types Will Make or Break Your Story

Good luck and happy hunting.