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Friday, December 17, 2021

Balance and Connections

 "Dreams nourish the soul just as food nourishes the body. The pleasure of the search and of adventure feeds our dreams."

 Paulo Coelho 

"Where have you been?",  a lot of people have been asking. Taking care of work and responsibilities seems to be the response. What about what you want to do. What you dreamed of, or envision yourself to be. It seems that with the pandemic, more people are waking up and starting to take note about life and where they are headed.  The clock is ticking, and we need to take a moment, breathe and really think about what we want from life. 


It's not a mistake that people are trying to reconfigure their lives right now and make it count. That might mean finding a meaningful job, reaching out more to friends and family, trying to find a better work-life balance, and maybe putting a bit more energy into doing what you'd like to do vs what you have to do. 


I recently had an old high school friend visit and had a blast. A wave of nostalgia hit as we discussed old friends, our mindset back in the day, and reflecting on where we are now.  I remembered past passion projects and found a journal of old ideas that still seemed to have life. Weird, thinking back to when I had more time than money but that creative spark was there as I jotted down anything worthwhile. No shortage of ideas and promise back then. 


All this is to say that you need to find time to be creative. Find that balance between responsibility and creativity and feed your soul with those dreams that you're after. Find a way to make them become reality. Reconnect with your friends and family that support who you are and what you want to be. Hopefully you will make your mark and see fruition before that clock stops ticking. 

Please subscribe for more ideas & cool stuff to come. 
Stay blessed!

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